Outlook® 2000 is an e-mail application
that is an upgrade to Outlook 97.
To add an e-mail account to Outlook®:
Start Outlook.
Choose Accounts from
the Tools menu. The Internet Accounts window
will open.
Click the Mail tab. This
will show you any e-mail accounts that are currently set up in
Click the Add button. A
menu will pop up; choose Mail.
The Internet Connection wizard
will appear to guide you through a series of configuration steps
for the e-mail address you want to add.
Enter your name as you want
it to appear in e-mails. Click Next.
Enter the e-mail address you
want to add, in the form of username@domain.com and
then click Next.
Enter the following information:
Replace domain with your domain name. For example,
if your e-mail address ends with "ISP.com", then your domain is "ISP" or
if your e-mail address ends with "sprynet.com" then your domain is "sprynet" and
so on.
- My incoming mail server is a: POP3
Incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP) server: mail.[yourdomain] (ex.
if your domain is yourdomain.net, enter mail.yourdomain.net)
- Outgoing mail (SMTP) server: mail.[yourdomain] (ex.
if your domain is yourdomain.net, enter mail.yourdomain.net)
Note that
it is best to use your ISP outgoing mail server. For more
information click
Click the first log
on using radio button and enter the following information:
POP account name: Your mailbox name
Password: Your e-mail password.
Click Next. The Friendly
Name window will appear.
Type in a friendly name that
will help you remember this e-mail address (such as John Q. Public's
Mailbox or Mom's Mail).
Click Next.
The Choose Connection Type window will appear.
Choose one of the following
connection types:
If you connect to your
ISP through your modem, click the Connect using my
phone line radio button.
If you connect to your
ISP via your office network (LAN), click the Connect
using my local area network (LAN) radio button.
If you wish to connect
to your ISP manually before you open Outlook Express, choose
the I will establish my Internet connection manually radio
Click Finish.
Click Tools.
Click Accounts.
Click the Mail tab, select
your newly created account, click Properties.
Select the Servers tab
and check My Server Requires Authentication, click Settings.

If you choose to use mail.yourdomain.com for your outgoing
mail, check the boxes as illustrated below.
If you choose to use your ISP outgoing mail server (as recommended - click
here for more info) you will need to enter your ISP User Name (typically
your email address with your ISP - i.e. yourname@bigpond.com) and Password.

Do not check "log on using
Secure Password Authentication"
If you want to add another e-mail account
to Outlook, repeat the above procedure. If not, click Close.